Case Managers

Case Manager – BSc (Hons) OT
Complex Trauma,
Brain Injury and Neurological Conditions
Adults 25+ years
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, East Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, South Yorkshire
Louise qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1996 and has worked in the NHS, in acute and rehabilitation settings, in clients’ own homes and in the care home setting. She is a dedicated and experienced Occupational Therapist and Case Manager who has worked with people of all ages. The clients that Louise has worked with have a wide range of needs, presenting with multiple pathologies. She excels when working with clients to overcome the effects of disability.
Louise has extensive experience of managing a team of professional and support staff. She has managed a team of 20 staff which has given her excellent and effective communication skills, enabling her to deal with difficult situations. Louise has regularly executed her skills in conflict resolution. Within this team leader role, she was required to manage and prioritise her time, making autonomous decisions. Louise is organised and has effective communications skills. She has experience delivering training to cares, staff and families.
Louise’s clinical caseload includes people of all ages with a wide and complex range of long-term conditions, neurological conditions, mental health conditions, musculoskeletal conditions and short-term illness and injury.
Louise is experienced in carrying out detailed holistic assessments, goal setting and delivering rehabilitation to ensure clients meet their desired treatment goals. She has extensive experience in assessing for and providing small and larger pieces of equipment. Louise is excellent at liaising and working in partnership with families, carers, support staff and health and social care professionals to ensure that clients are supported to reach their full potential.
From June 2017 to February 2020, Louise was a team leader for a community therapy team; this further developed her management and leadership skills. She regularly trained qualified and support staff across all care settings. Louise provided supervision and guidance to staff, ensuring that the care delivered to the clients was safe and of high quality.
She has experience in preparing medico-legal reports for use in personal injury and clinical negligence litigation.
Louise’s clinical expertise includes:
- Experience of working with complex needs
- Rehabilitation of clients with short- and long-term needs
- Understanding of statutory provision of equipment, including representation on specialist equipment panel
- Experience of specialist seating
- Assessment and provision of specialist equipment
- Moving and handling
- Extensive experience in delivering training
- Extensive experience in leading and managing a team
- Experience in interviewing and recruiting staff
Qualifications and Memberships
- BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy- Derby University 1993-96
- HCPC registration- OT 26046
- Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- APPLE Accreditation-University of Derby
- Level 1 BAHT
- Mary Seacole Leadership Development Program (NHS Leadership Academy)
- Work based coaching skills 2019
- BABICM membership
Career History
Integrated Case Management Ltd, October 2022 – present
Case Manager
Sherwood Therapy Services-Occupational Therapist/Expert Witness, 2019 – present
Rehabilitation caseload of adults and children with highly complex and traumatic injuries
Care and OT Expert Witness
Louise Denzel Case Management Limited, 2020 – September 2022
Case Manager
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2017 – February 2020
Team leader-Community Therapy Falls Team
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2015 – 2017
Senior Occuaptional therapist- Care Home Team
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2003 – 2015
Senior Occupational Therapist-Communiy Therapy Team
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, 2000 – 2003
Senior Occupational Therapist
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, 1998 – 2000
Senior Occupational Therapsit- Trauma and Orthopadeics, Care of the Elderly, Sroke Rehabilitaion, Medicine and Surgery
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, 1996 – 1998
Junior Rotaional Occupational Therapist- Care of the Eldery, General Medicine and Surgery (Rehab and acute), Spinal Unit, Trauma and Orthopadeics
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Case Managers
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